American-Owned, Family Operated
All WCSPA member companies are American family-run businesses. Our smaller members are mostly “mom and pop” companies. Several companies have been in business for three generations or more on the West Coast or in Alaska.
Creating Jobs
Seafood processors are major employers in many ports, offering some crews stable work throughout the year and hiring additional, seasonal workers during prime fishing seasons. In winter, many fishermen go to sea seeking Dungeness crab. To handle the tons of crab that are delivered almost daily, companies hire hundreds of seasonal workers to help offload, cook, “shake” (clean), store, package and deliver the crab to distribution centers, retail outlets and restaurants. Similarly, the Pacific whiting season in the summer requires companies to double or triple their standard complement of employees to process the abundant fish that is shipped worldwide.
Promoting Sustainability
Sustainable fisheries are key to the success of West Coast seafood processors that are located in major ports from San Francisco north to the Canadian border. Our members support the production of 631 million pounds of seafood annually. Most of the products from our members are sold domestically but some products also go to other countries. If you’ve had Dungeness crab at a restaurant in Washington, Oregon or California, it likely came from one of our members.
Invested in Communities
WCSPA members employ a local work force whenever possible
and strive to provide year-round employment opportunities throughout our coastal communities. We are part of the essential work
force, and we prioritize the health and safety of
our employees and our communities.